October 27, 2014
North Platte, Nebraska
Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. Present were Commissioners Duane Deterding, Willis Roethemeyer, Joe Hewgley and County Clerk, Rebecca Rossell. Hewgley offered prayer. Chairman Deterding called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.
Chairman Deterding announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.
Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Hewgley to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting held on October 20, 2014. Upon roll call vote Roethemeyer, Hewgley and Deterding voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Hewgley to receive and order filed the treasurer’s receipts. Upon roll call vote Roethemeyer, Hewgley and Deterding voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Hewgley to approve Resolution 2014-25 declaring a hardship concerning Trailblazer Pipeline Co. refund in the amount of $50,630.08. Upon roll call vote Roethemeyer, Hewgley and Deterding voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Hewgley to approve the reappointment of Steve Koch and Kurt Pieper to the Planning Commission for three year terms. Upon roll call vote Roethemeyer, Hewgley and Deterding voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Hewgley to approve the appointment of Zak Eickhoff to the Planning Commission for a three year term. Upon roll call vote Roethemeyer, Hewgley and Deterding voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Hewgley to place on file the fee report submitted by the County Sheriff. Upon roll call vote Roethemeyer, Hewgley and Deterding voted “aye”. Nays, none.
The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners recessed at 9:15 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Equalization convened.
Chairman Deterding announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.
County Assessor, Julie Stenger appeared.
Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Hewgley to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting held on October 20, 2014. Upon roll call vote Roethemeyer, Hewgley and Deterding voted “aye”. Nays, none.
No certificates of correction or refund submitted by the County Assessor.
The Lincoln County Board of Equalization adjourned at 9:17 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners reconvened.
Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Hewgley to approve setting a date of November 17, 2014 at 10:00 A.M. to accept bids for motor grader blades for the Lincoln County Department of Roads. Upon roll call vote Roethemeyer, Hewgley and Deterding voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Quarterly report of the Emergency Management Director, Brandon Myers.
Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Roethemeyer to approve and adopt Resolution No. 2014-26 appointing Joanna LeMoine, Deputy Emergency Management Director, as alternate voting member to the South Central Planning and Exercise Training Region. Upon roll call vote Roethemeyer, Hewgley and Deterding voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Roethemeyer to approve the purchase of materials and/or services from the following for the remodel of the new location of the North Platte/Lincoln County Visitors Bureau:
(Low bid of 2) Garden Glove $13,000 – Sod 100% guarantee
Erickson’s Furniture $814.97 – Linoleum, adhesive & vinyl
Jason Erickson Flooring $940.00 – Carpet & linoleum install
Upon roll call vote Roethemeyer, Hewgley and Deterding voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Approved the following claims as presented for payment:
The meeting was adjourned at 11:26 A.M.
Advance notice and the agenda for the October 27, 2014 were sent to the county board and all others requesting the same. Notice was posted at the Lincoln County Courthouse, City Hall and on the county website.
The agenda for the meetings to be held on Monday, November 3, 2014 will be kept continually current and open for inspection at the office of the Lincoln County Clerk. The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:00 A.M. The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Equalization will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:15 A.M.
Rebecca J. Rossell
Lincoln County Clerk