February 4, 2019

North Platte, Nebraska


Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. Present were Commissioners   Kent Weems, Bill Henry, Walt Johnson, Jerry Woodruff, and Deputy County Clerk, Terry Heessel.  Hewgley was absent.  Henry offered prayer. Vice-Chairman Henry called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.


Vice-Chairman Henry announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.


Motion by Johnson, seconded by Weems to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting held on January 28, 2019.  Upon roll call vote Henry, Weems, Johnson, and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Hewgley absent


Motion by Woodruff, seconded by Weems to receive and order filed the treasurer’s receipts.  Upon roll call vote Henry, Weems, Johnson, and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Hewgley absent


Motion by Johnson, seconded by Weems to approve the special designated liquor license application submitted by Gilbert Rivera for a business dinner on March 30, 2019 at Harbor Lights and authorize the Vice-Chairman to sign.  Upon roll call vote Henry, Weems, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Hewgley absent.


Motion by Woodruff, seconded by Weems to receive and order filed independent accountants report for the County Treasurer with amendment to the year on item #2.  Upon roll call vote Henry, Weems, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Hewgley absent.


The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners recessed at 9:15 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Equalization convened.


Vice-Chairman Henry announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.


Motion by Woodruff, seconded by Johnson to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting held on January 28, 2019. Upon roll call vote Henry, Weems, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Hewgley absent


County Assessor, Julie Stenger was present.


Motion by Johnson, seconded by Weems to approve the certificates of correction and refund submitted by the County Assessor.  Upon roll call vote Henry, Weems, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Hewgley absent.


The Lincoln County Board of Equalization adjourned at 9:20 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners reconvened.


Motion by Woodruff, seconded by Weems to set February 25, 2019 at 10:00 A.M. to accept bids for the first floor remodel of bathrooms at the Lincoln County Courthouse.  Upon roll call vote Henry, Weems, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Hewgley absent.


Lisa Burke, NP/LC Convention and Visitors Bureau director, was present to explain the contracts for distribution of brochures for Nebraska and surrounding areas.  The contracts are with companies that the County has contracted with before.


Motion by Weems, seconded by Woodruff to approve The county of Lincoln, Nebraska, enter into contract with Certified Folder Display Service, Inc., for brochure distribution for the North Platte/Lincoln County Convention and Visitors Bureau for 2019 and give authority to the Vice-Chairman to sign the contract on behalf of the Board.  Upon roll call vote Henry, Weems, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Hewgley absent.


Motion by Johnson, seconded by Woodruff to approve The county of Lincoln, Nebraska, enter into a contract with CTM Media Group for brochure distribution for the North Platte/ Lincoln County Convention and Visitors Bureau for 2019, as amended, and give authority to the Vice-Chairman to sign the contract as amended on behalf of the Board.  Upon roll call vote Henry, Weems, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Hewgley absent


Approved the following claims as presented for payment:


Motion by Woodruff, seconded by Weems to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 A.M.  Upon roll call vote Henry, Weems, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Hewgley absent.


Advance notice and the agenda for the February 4, 2019 board meetings were sent to the county board and all others requesting the same.  Advance public notice (includes agenda) of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting and the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting was posted at the Lincoln County Courthouse, City Hall and the Lincoln County website on February 1, 2019; and was also emailed to the media on February 1, 2019.


The agenda for the meetings to be held on Monday, February 11, 2019 will be kept

continually current and open for inspection at the office of the Lincoln County Clerk.  The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:00 A.M.  The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Equalization will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:15 A.M.





Terry L. Heessel

Lincoln County Deputy Clerk

Published, Saturday, February 9, 2019