February 25, 2019


Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners to be held on February 25, 2019 at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:00 A.M.


Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Equalization to be held on February 25, 2019 at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:15 A.M.


  1. Open with prayer


  1. Approve minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting held February 19, 2019


  1. Consider the following:
  • Claims & Treasurer’s Receipts
  • Receive and order filed the fee report submitted by County Treasurer
  • Authorizing the Chairman to sign the Fire Alarm Inspection Agreement with Nebraska Safety and Fire Equipment Inc.
  • Appointment of Mitch Moorhead to the Lincoln County Planning Commission to finish the term of Betty Sones which expires August of 2019


Recess as the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners and convene as the Lincoln County Board of Equalization.

  1. 9:15 A.M. Discuss and consider the following:
  • Approve minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting

held on February 19, 2019

  • Certificates of correction and refund as submitted by the County Assessor
  • Closed session concerning strategy session regarding pending litigations, which is clearly necessary for protection of the public interest and also to protect attorney client privilege.
  • Discuss and consider entering into a written stipulated agreement with Luke Estates, L.P., regarding Petition filed by Lincoln County Board of Equalization with the Nebraska Tax Equalization & Review Commission challenging the income-approach calculation method under Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-1333 in regards to Luke Estates, L.P., for the 2019 tax year.
  • Discuss and consider entering into a written stipulated agreement with Parkland Estates II, L.P., regarding Petition filed by Lincoln County Board of Equalization with the Nebraska Tax Equalization & Review Commission challenging the income-approach calculation method under Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-1333 in regards to Parkland Estates II, L.P., for the 2019 tax year.


Adjourn or recess to time certain as the Lincoln County Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners.


  1. 9:45 A.M. Discuss and consider application by Terry and Kristine Becher for Becher First Subdivision.  The subdivision will reconfigure two existing lots to allow separation of the existing home sites.  The property is located at 10467 W Platte Valley Rd in a TA-1 Agricultural District on property described as part of the S ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 17, Township 14N, Range 31W of the 6th P.M. Lincoln County, Nebraska.


  1. 10:00 A.M. Accept bids for first floor remodel of Courthouse restrooms


Consider acceptance of bid


  1. 10:30 A.M. Discuss and consider adopting, passing, and approving a Resolution which incorporates a Drug Free Work Place Policy into the “Lincoln County Employee Policy Handbook.”


  1. 10:45 A.M. Presentation by Paul Greiger of D.A. Davidson on possible Highway Allocation Bond issue


Consider possible action following presentation


Hear concerns from Elected Officials, Department Heads, and their representative



Rebecca J. Rossell

Lincoln County Clerk