December 9, 2019

North Platte, Nebraska


Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. Present were Commissioners Joe Hewgley, Bill Henry, Kent Weems, Walt Johnson, Jerry Woodruff and County Clerk, Rebecca Rossell.  Weems offered prayer. Hewgley called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.


Chairman Hewgley announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.


Motion by Johnson, seconded by Henry to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting held on December 2, 2019.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


Motion by Henry, seconded by Weems to receive and order filed the treasurer’s receipts.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


Motion by Henry, seconded by Woodruff to receive and order filed the fee reports submitted by the County Clerk and Register of Deeds.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


Motion by Henry, seconded by Weems to authorize the Chairman to sign the annual form 35K County Lottery Report to the Nebraska Department of Revenue.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners recessed at 9:15 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Equalization convened.


Chairman Hewgley announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.


County Assessor, Julie Stenger appeared.


Motion by Weems, seconded by Henry to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting held on December 2, 2019. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


No certificates of correction or refund submitted by the County Assessor.


The Lincoln County Board of Equalization adjourned at 9:16 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners reconvened.


A Public Hearing was opened at 9:30 A.M. to permit discussion and the presentation of testimony or evidence by interested persons regarding the proposal amending the 2005 Amendment to the Lincoln County General Assistance and Medical Assistance Program Regulations/Standards and all amendments thereto.


Deputy County Attorney, Stephen King, presented Exhibit 1, which is a compilation of previously discussed changes and corrections that were presented.


No other comments were received.


The public hearing was closed at 9:35 A.M.


A market update was presented by Andy Forney of D.A. Davidson concerning Detention Center expansion project bonds.  They plan to issue bonds this week to lock in interest rates and close as soon as January 9, 2020.  Discussion on issuing $4.7 million in bonds rather than a lower dollar amount was clarified.


Commissioner Hewgley asked if the county could retire the bonds early.


Forney replied that proceeds can only be used for project funds or bond payments.


The application by Jeffrey Canyon Ranch, LLC for an administrative subdivision was explained to the board by the applicant’s legal counsel.  There is already an existing ‘ burn pit located at the lake but in an effort to move the burn pit away from a residential area with houses, the applicant would allow the burn pit to be moved to the new location.  It would still be accessible for property owners and the public but a better location.  It will be monitored by security cameras and will only allow for tree branches.


Motion by Johnson, seconded by Woodruff to approve the application submitted by Jeffrey Canyon Ranch, LLC for Jeffrey Lake Administrative Subdivision located at Jeffrey Lake.  The property is zoned as TA -1 Transitional Agricultural District and described as a tract of land in the S ½ of Section 9; Township 11 North, Range 27 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Nebraska.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.


Motion by Weems, seconded by Henry to go into closed session at 10:33 A.M. regarding deployment of security personnel or devices, and to protect attorney client privilege, which is clearly necessary to protect the public interest.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


Chairman Hewgley restated the motion for the closed session.


Motion by Weems, seconded by Johnson to go into open session at 10:50 A.M.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


Hear concerns from Elected Officials, Department Heads and their representative.


Approved the following claims as presented for payment:


The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 A.M.


Advance notice and the agenda for the December 9, 2019 board meetings were sent to the county board and all others requesting the same.  Advance public notice (includes agenda) of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting and the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting was posted at the Lincoln County Courthouse, City Hall and the Lincoln County website on December 6, 2019; and was also emailed to the media on December 6, 2019.


The agenda for the meetings to be held on Monday, December 16, 2019 will be kept continually current and open for inspection at the office of the Lincoln County Clerk.  The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:00 A.M.  The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Equalization will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:15 A.M.



Rebecca J. Rossell

Lincoln County Clerk