April 27, 2020
North Platte, Nebraska
Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. Present were Commissioners Joe Hewgley, Bill Henry, Kent Weems, Walt Johnson, Jerry Woodruff and County Clerk, Rebecca Rossell. Woodruff offered prayer. Henry called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.
Chairman Henry announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.
Motion by Johnson, seconded by Weems to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting held on April 20, 2020. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Woodruff, seconded by Johnson to receive and order filed the treasurer’s receipts. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Weems, seconded by Woodruff to receive and order filed the fee report submitted by the County Sheriff. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Weems, seconded by Johnson to authorize the Chairman to sign the three year participation agreement with NACO Benefit Services VSP Vision Block. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners recessed at 9:15 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Equalization convened.
Chairman Henry announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.
County Assessor, Julie Stenger appeared.
Motion by Weems, seconded by Woodruff to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting held on April 20, 2020. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Weems, seconded by Johnson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the certificates of correction or refund submitted by the County Assessor on personal property. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
The Lincoln County Board of Equalization adjourned at 9:17 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners reconvened.
Weekly update by Brandon Myers, Region 51 Emergency Management Director, on COVID-19.
Quarterly report by Region 51 Emergency Management Director, Brandon Myers for quarter ending March 31, 2020.
A public hearing was opened at 9:55 A.M. on the application by Old Depot Vineyard & Winery, LLC, Brady, NE for a Class Y Farm Winery Liquor License.
The four owners, Jason & Sharon Axthelm and Jeff & Necole Miller appeared to answer
any questions and explain their vision for the business.
Sheriff Kramer had no objections to the application per his email.
No other public comments were received.
The public hearing was closed at 10:01 A.M.
Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Weems to adopt Resolution No. 2020-15 for favorable action on the application of Old Depot Vineyard & Winery, LLC, Brady, Nebraska, for a Class Y Farm Winery Liquor License as submitted. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
The Cattle Growers Road project was discussed.
Commissioner Weems told board members that he had asked the Highway Supt. to also look at including limestone as part of the bid process for this project.
Highway Supt., Carla O’Dell, asked board members for direction on what they wanted to do regarding the granite and limestone for the top surface. She also gave them an email she had received from TC Engineering Inc. with his opinion on the best product to use. She reported that the test section with the dirty millings in the base is holding up well.
Commissioner Woodruff asked how difficult it would be to work the top surface.
Assistant Highway Supt., Brian Glos, commented that he has questions as well as to how hard it will be to maintain this surface with a motor grader in the future.
Commissioner Woodruff stated it would probably also depend on the thickness of the top layer. He is concerned about grading it if it gets too hard.
Commissioner Johnson reported that he had asked about getting crushed river rock but nobody in this area has a crusher. It would have been a lot less expensive if it was possible.
Commissioner Weems asked when and where the road department would want the product delivered for efficiency. He questioned if a 90 day window would be practical.
O’Dell replied that the county would get a better price with the 11,000 tons. That amount would only be for the project and would not leave any extra for future maintenance. They could work the project into the 2020-2021 road budget with the 90 day time frame.
Commissioner Johnson requested that they look at the difference in cost if we stockpile it in different locations.
O’Dell clarified with the County Board that the bid specifications should read granite and/or limestone.
Commissioner Hewgley asked if there were specifications on crushed granite and limestone.
O’Dell replied that she had received some from T C Engineering.
Commissioner Johnson suggested looking into the cost of a crusher for river rock which might be more economical.
Motion by Weems, seconded by Johnson to set May 26, 2020 at 10:00 A.M. to accept bids for granite and/or limestone for the Cattle Growers Road project. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
2020 Primary Election update by Rebecca J. Rossell, Lincoln County Clerk/Election Commissioner.
Motion by Weems, seconded by Hewgley to go into closed session at 10:45 A.M. regarding imminent litigation and to protect attorney client privilege, which is clearly necessary to protect the public interest. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Chairman Henry restated the motion for the closed session.
Motion by Weems, seconded by Johnson to go into open session at 10:55 A.M. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Johnson and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Hear concerns from Elected Officials, Department Heads and their representative.
Approved the following claims as presented for payment:
AT&T se 49.38
A/S Fnrl Hm se 1016.00
AMI LLC se 500.00
A Speichert se 1320.00
BDT&B LO se 7608.15
CBS se 235.43
Cass Cnty Shrf se 5.44
Ctrl NE Crmtn se 3192.00
C Neal se 7.89
D & N Evt Ctr rt 1250.00
DEKOM se 7892.45
Dell su 35.19
Eakes su 459.50
ECCA se 48.00
Exp Arrow se 245.00
G Petersen rt 2819.00
GPC su 226.91
G4S se 1741.20
Hintons se 67.50
Huebners se 441.32
J Orr ex 138.00
K Rssll ex 237.00
K Florom se 374.99
KNPLCB cont 1200.00
CSE-PC se 41.45
Ltl Csrs ex 33.30
Mdsn Lf ins 434.88
Mxms Inc se 3400.00
Mnrds se 288.03
Mntzr Oil su 46.51
Mdwst Con se 19.37
ML&W se 5232.31
NE IFS se 2000.00
NPPS cont 2000.00
NP Tlgrph se 508.72
P Heng se 4282.90
Phlps CS se 18.00
Rec Ulm su 22.85
Rd Wllw CS se 82.83
S Rssll ex 237.00
SHI Intl eq 368.00
Sqge Cln se 608.00
Stpls su 344.67
S White ex 468.00
T Fox se 70.00
T Rssll ex 24.00
Uline eq 555.80
UNL IT rt 91.04
US Cell se 95.02
Vrzn su 59.04
Viaero se 196.64
WM su 254.18
Wst Ctrl Agg contr 2730.00
Wd&Atkn se 4948.00
County Roads:
AT&T se 47.91
Mdsn Lf ins 73.08
Mntzr Oil su 2744.05
Mdsn Lf ins 9.00
Juvenile Fund:
BDT&B Lw se 60.00
The meeting was adjourned at 11:37 A.M.
Advance notice and the agenda for the April 27, 2020 board meetings were sent to the county board and all others requesting the same. Advance public notice (includes agenda) of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting and the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting was posted at the Lincoln County Courthouse, City Hall and the Lincoln County website on April 24, 2020; and was also emailed to the media on April 24, 2020.
The agenda for the meetings to be held on Monday, May 4, 2020 will be kept
continually current and open for inspection at the office of the Lincoln County Clerk. The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:00 A.M. The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Equalization will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:15 A.M.
Rebecca J. Rossell
Lincoln County Clerk