November 1, 2021
North Platte, Nebraska
Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. Present were Commissioners Joe Hewgley, Kent Weems, Chris Bruns, Jerry Woodruff and County Clerk, Rebecca Rossell. Bruns offered prayer. Weems called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.
Chairman Weems announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.
Motion by Woodruff, seconded by Bruns to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting held on October 25, 2021. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Bruns, seconded by Woodruff to receive and order filed the treasurer’s receipts. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Bruns, seconded by Hewgley to authorize the Chairman to sign the Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance amendment on premiums to pay 35% of the difference between single coverage and spouse/child/family premiums for non-union full time employees. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners recessed at 9:15 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Equalization convened.
Chairman Weems announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.
County Assessor, Julie Stenger appeared.
Motion by Bruns, seconded by Woodruff to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting held on October 25, 2021. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
No certificates of correction or refund submitted by the County Assessor.
The Lincoln County Board of Equalization adjourned at 9:16 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners reconvened.
Lincoln County Planning Director, Judy Clark, stated that planning staff had no objections to any of the following applications.
Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Bruns to approve the application by F.L. Wahlgren Corp. for 79 Ranch Administrative Subdivision splitting 1.69A from an existing commercial site from surrounding property described as part of Gov’t Lot 9 and accretions thereto in 14-12-27 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Nebraska. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Woodruff, seconded by Hewgley to approve the application submitted by Charley Brown for Brown Administrative Subdivision which will create a 4.60A lot separating an existing home site from the surrounding property described as part of Gov’t Lot 4, 4-12-20 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Nebraska. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Bruns, seconded by Woodruff to approve the application submitted by Gordon and Lori Coble to reconfigure an existing lot on property described as part of the E ½ of 5-15-29 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Nebraska. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Woodruff to authorize the Chairman to sign the VOCA Sub-Recipient audit acknowledgement form. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Bruns, seconded by Woodruff to authorize the Chairman to sign the VOCA Subgrant Award Acceptance, Special Conditions and GrantVantage Use Authorization. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Bruns, seconded by Woodruff to set November 29, 2021 at 10:00 A.M. to accept bids for the Sarben Guardrail Project to include the following projects: 1) dirt work only, 2) guardrail installation only and 3) dirt work and installation of guardrail. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
The following bids were received for granite for Lincoln County Dept. of Roads: Level LLC – $142,000 and NSG Logistics LLC – $171,400.
Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Woodruff to accept the bids of Level LLC in the amount of $142,000 for 8000 tons of crushed granite delivered at the price of $35.50 per ton.
Commissioner Weems asked if both bids met the bid specifications.
Commissioner Woodruff questioned if this was similar product to what we have used in the past.
Highway Supt., Carla O’Dell, responded in the affirmative.
Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
The following bids were received for State Farm Bike Trail: T.L. Sund Constructors Inc. – Lexington, NE – $317,407; Level LLC – North Platte, NE – $259,570.60; and Myers Construction Inc. – Broken Bow, NE – $318,268.
No action was taken on acceptance of a bid. County Board will consider acceptance of a bid at the next board meeting.
The following bids were received for one pickup truck for Region 51 Emergency Management: Janssen Dodge – $33,404 and Bill Summers Ford – $36,489.
Discussion was held concerning estimated delivery times of the two vehicles.
Motion by Woodruff, seconded by Bruns to accept the bid of Bill Summers Ford in the amount of $36,489. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Jerry Feist, USDA District Supervisor, appeared to discuss replacement of the Wildlife Specialist. He supplied the additional information requested from the previous meeting concerning activity and numbers.
Feist had met with Dawson County Commissioners and was cautiously optimistic that they would put in the additional $8000 for the program. He is requesting an additional $10,000 from Lincoln County for the current program or he can advertise for intermittent personnel.
Commissioner Hewgley questioned how the public would know about this program.
Feist replied that it is mostly repeat customers, referrals from Nebraska Game and Parks or customer referrals.
Commissioner Weems also felt they needed to do a better job of letting the public know about the service.
Commissioner Woodruff asked about the total dollar amount.
Feist responded with the additional money the total cost of the year would be $42,080 for Lincoln County. The federal government cost share is no longer being funded.
Barry Johnson, expressed interest in the possible position.
Commissioner Bruns wanted to know how much time was spent on pigeon control.
Feist indicated about 10% of the time.
Commissioner Hewgley commented he was in favor of the program, but would like to see them do a better job of advertising this service.
Motion by Woodruff, seconded by Hewgley to up the contribution of Lincoln County in the amount of $10,000 for a total of $42,080 to replace the wildlife specialist.
Commissioner Hewgley asked for a quarterly report.
Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
Motion by Bruns, seconded by Hewgley to authorize the Chairman to sign the NOHS mini grant for Nationwide Seatbelt Enforcement in November in the amount of $5000 to provide 142 hours of overtime. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.
County Board Assistant, Tammy White, gave a report on the information she had compiled concerning the current mail service and information she obtained on leasing or purchasing a mail system for the county to provide this service in house. If equipment is leased or purchased it would be housed in the PBX area and those employees would also process the mail. The County Board requested White obtain an additional informal bid from Gradient.
Discussed funding priorities for SLFRF funds (State/Local Fiscal Recovery Funds) as recommended by the ad hoc committee appointed by the Chairman. The following is a list of priorities recommended by the committee in no particular order: 1) travel and tourism industry, 2) new or expanded child care, 3) substance abuse/mental health services, 4) non-profit organizations and 5) infrastructure projects. If legislation is passed allowing other infrastructure projects it will be capped at 30% of the total.
Commissioner Woodruff asked how the funds would be given out.
Deputy County Attorney, Tyler Volkmer, replied that there are various ways it could be done such as request for reimbursement, multiple payments or one lump sum.
Commissioner Hewgley requested that legal counsel include language that the priorities stated above would not be the only projects that could be funded.
Region 51 Emergency Management Director, Brandon Myers, wants to see our communities thrive from these funds and not send it back to the federal government.
Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Woodruff to authorize the committee to continue based on the five priorities we have at this time with the one being contingent on legislation. Motion carried.
Hear concerns from Elected Officials, Department Heads and their representative.
Approved the following claims as presented for payment:
AJ Sht Mtl se 127.50
Amazon su 18.34
A VanVelson mi 224.00
Aurelius INV se 1,217.16
B Henry reb 5.84
Brouillette,Dgn, Trshki se 3,676.63
Capital Bus Sys se 919.33
Capital One su 85.87
B Petersen se 1,026.36
Charter Comm su 144.97
C Korf su 48.59
Comm Conn se 5,772.58
Dr Debs EMC contr 1,500.00
Dundy Cnty Trsr se 5,072.04
Eakes Ofc Sol su 29.67
Express Arrow Stg Lns se 46.80
First Concord Bnfts se 177.50
Grt Plns Comm se 327.50
Hitchcock Cnty Trsr se 3,384.67
Ideal Linen Sply su 210.54
Rudolph Law se 1,030.00
Jeremy Hill reb 7.94
John Kaspar reb 9.05
Lindemeier Law Offc contr 9,665.33
Medline Industries su 287.86
Menards su 300.33
Mi6 Pizza Inc su 41.93
Municipal Lt & Wtr se 12,692.15
NACO reg 150.00
Neb st fire mshl se 1,500.00
North Platte Mnmt se 310.00
NP Opp Cntr se 80.00
Northwestern Engy se 27.24
Patrick Heng Law Ofc se 3,474.70
PiP Printing su 279.74
Poplar St Car wsh su 19.25
Praise Windows se 2,400.00
Ryan Owens reb 7.85
Staples su 55.08
Steven Elmshaeuser se 880.00
T.O. Haas tire su 567.06
Thyssenkrupp Elvtr Corp se 876.77
Twin Rivers Bdy Shp se 3,218.07
Univ of Neb- Lincoln ex 14.66
Keith Young se 2,500.00
US Cellular se 900.65
Verizon se 483.27
Wash time Car wash su 58.00
Wstrn States Shrff Assoc reg 100.00
911 Custom se 870.00
Bomgaars su 137.87
Brico Pest Control su 150.00
City of North Platte su 42,372.61
Consolidated se 617.19
Dawson Pub Pwr Dist se 54.38
JA Traffic Products su 1,456.00
Janssen Chrysler se 374.00
McCook Pub Pow Dist se 75.89
Mentzer Oil su 1,293.64
Midwest Petroleum eq 190.00
Municipal Lt & Wtr se 302.24
Nebraska Trk Cntr re 925.48
Newman Signs se 1,751.81
Northwestern Energy se 25.38
Rockmount se 299.90
RS Hydraulic Sltns se 33.63
WPCI su 200.00
Affordable Storage rt 99.00
Amanda Connick reb 22.00
American Bus Assoc se 630.00
Another Roound su 874.86
Bruce Richman se 50.00
Buffalo Bill St Hist Park su 182.00
C Jarvis Atmn Rvr Run grt 2,094.38
Cornhusker Comm Clng su 541.00
Dusty Trails su 500.00
Eakes ofc Plus su 64.98
Geno Delisa su 50.00
Golden Spk Twr se 612.00
Ideal Linen Sply su 37.87
Integrated su 162.75
KS Plus, Inc rt 3,500.00
Lamar Companies se 600.00
Lincoln Co Hist Msm su 256.00
Link Media Outdoor su 900.00
Lisa Burke reb 30.00
Meyer Creative Prt & Dsgn se 271.72
Mike Carwin su 50.00
Municipal Lt & Wtr se 314.77
Nanonation, Inc se 1,066.40
Presto-X se 42.00
Rosenberg Ins se 21.00
Sandhills Nat Wtr su 238.24
Spectrum Reach se 13,985.50
Maly Marketing se 3,583.33
Univ of Neb-Lincoln su 165.00
Whitetail Scrnprnt se 414.00
Juvenile Fac:
Brouillette, Dgn, Trshki se 430.00
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 A.M.
Advance notice and the agenda for the November 1, 2021 board meetings were sent to the county board and all others requesting the same. Advance public notice (includes agenda) of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting and the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting was posted at the Lincoln County Courthouse, City Hall and the Lincoln County website on October 29, 2021; and was also emailed to the media on October 29, 2021.
The agenda for the meetings to be held on Monday, November 8, 2021 will be kept
continually current and open for inspection at the office of the Lincoln County Clerk. The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:00 A.M. The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Equalization will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:15 A.M.
Rebecca J. Rossell
Lincoln County Clerk