March 28, 2022
Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners to be held on March 28, 2022 at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:00 A.M.
Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Equalization to be held on March 28, 2022 at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:15 A.M.
- Open with prayer
- Approve minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting
held on March 21, 2022
- Consider the following:
- Claims & Treasurer’s Receipts
- Authorize the Chairman to sign the right of way application submitted by Mortensen
Farm and Ranch
- Receive and order filed the return of sale proceedings on real property from the
public tax sale
Recess as the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners and convene as the Lincoln County Board of Equalization.
- 9:15 A.M. Discuss and consider the following:
- Approve minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting
held on March 21, 2022
- Certificates of correction and refund as submitted by the County Assessor
- Real and personal property tax exemption application submitted by New Life Assembly
- Motor vehicle tax exemption applications submitted by the County Treasurer
Adjourn or recess to time certain as the Lincoln County Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners.
- 9:30 A.M. Discuss and consider an application by Zachary and Shayla Paulman
for Paulman Administrative Subdivision located at the intersection of S King Rd
and W Correction Line Road in an A-1 Agricultural District. The property is
described as part of the NW ¼ of Section 2; Township 12 North, Range 34 West
of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Nebraska.
- 9:45 A.M. Discuss and consider donation of temporary easement and purchase
of real property from Brent & Kara Reeder (Sutherland North Bridge project)
- 10:00 A.M. Public hearing to receive comments on the One & Six Year Road
Plan of Lincoln County, Nebraska
Consider adoption of plan following the public hearing
- 11:00 A.M. Update and recognition of first responders/units that assisted with
the fire in southeastern Lincoln County
- Lincoln County Employee Recognition
Closed session to discuss strategy with respect to pending or imminent litigation, real estate purchase, deployment of security personnel and devices or evaluation of job performance so as to prevent needless injury to reputation (if necessary)
- Conduct quarterly inspection of the Lincoln County Detention Center
Hear concerns from Elected Officials, Department Heads, or their representative
Rebecca J. Rossell
Lincoln County Clerk