August 29, 2016

North Platte, Nebraska


Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. Present were Commissioners Duane Deterding, Joe Hewgley and County Clerk, Rebecca Rossell.  Commissioner Henry was absent. Deterding offered prayer. Chairman Hewgley called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.


Chairman Hewgley announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting held on August 22, 2016. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to receive and order filed the treasurer’s receipts. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to receive and order filed the fee report submitted by the County Sheriff. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to approve the right of way applications submitted by Northwestern Energy, Platte Valley Electric and the City of North Platte – ML&W. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners recessed at 9:15 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Equalization convened.


Chairman Hewgley announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.


County Assessor, Julie Stenger appeared.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting held on August 22, 2016. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”. Nays, none.  Henry absent.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the certificates of correction or refund submitted by the County Assessor.


Gerald Hudson appeared to discuss the special valuation protest they had filed.


County Assessor, Julie Stenger, reported that a re-evaluation had been done to the river ground receiving special valuation for 2016. The Assessor’s office changed the methodology used and re-evaluated these parcels.  During this process a couple of parcels were missed and this was one of them.


Mr. Hudson commented that nothing had changed since 2010. He does hay the parcel and used to pasture it with some livestock.


Commissioner Hewgley stated the county is charged with equalizing property in the county.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to make no change, and agree with County Assessor to deny the special valuation protest numbered 2016-14SVP filed by Gerald & Joyce Hudson. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to deny the protest of rejection of homestead exemption filed by Debra Morgan based on the information presented. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


The Lincoln County Board of Equalization adjourned at 9:40 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners reconvened.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to approve and adopt Resolution No. 2016-44 calling the County’s outstanding general obligation refunding bonds, Series 2012, for redemption prior to maturity. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to approve and adopt Resolution No. 2016-45 authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds, Series 2016B, in an amount not to exceed seven million three hundred thousand dollars ($7,300,000) for the purpose of paying and redeeming the County’s outstanding general obligation bonds, Series 2012, and related matters. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


Highway Superintendent, Carla O’Dell and Ruthie Hasenauer, representing the Village of Wellfleet appeared to discuss renewing a road maintenance agreement that had lapsed. The county basically would grade the roads once a month and help with snow removal if there is more than six inches of snow.  Carla reported she had calculated an updated cost of $92.03 per hour for this service.


County Board requested that a written document with the new cost be prepared for consideration.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to approve and adopt Resolution No. 2016-46 for the DARE agreement with Brady Public Schools for 2016/2017. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to approve and adopt Resolution No. 2016-47 for the DARE agreement with Sutherland Public Schools for 2016/2017. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to approve and adopt Resolution No. 2016-48 for the DARE agreement with Hershey Public Schools for 2016/2017. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to approve and adopt Resolution No. 2016-49 for the DARE agreement with Wallace Public Schools for 2016/2017. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to approve and adopt Resolution No. 2016-50 for the DARE agreement with Maxwell Public Schools for 2016/2017. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to approve and adopt Resolution 2016-51 determining the final allocation of levy for political subdivisions under the county levy limit. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


Motion by Deterding, seconded by Hewgley to approve and order filed the 2016 Lincoln County Inventory documents for all county offices. Upon roll call vote Deterding and Hewgley voted “aye”.  Nays, none.  Henry absent.


County Board conducted a 2016/2017 budget work session.


Approved the following claims as presented for payment:


The meeting was adjourned at 11:18 A.M.


Advance notice and the agenda for the August 29, 2016 board meetings were sent to the county board and all others requesting the same. Advance public notice (includes agenda) of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting and the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting was posted at the Lincoln County Courthouse, City Hall and the Lincoln County website on August 26, 2016; and was also emailed to the media on August 26, 2016.


The agenda for the meetings to be held on Tuesday, September 6, 2016 will be kept continually current and open for inspection at the office of the Lincoln County Clerk. The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:00 A.M.  The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Equalization will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:15 A.M.



Rebecca J. Rossell

Lincoln County Clerk