02-21-2023 Minutes
02-21-2023 Minutes
02-21-2023 Minutes
02-13-2023 Minutes
02-06-2023 Minutes
01-30-2023 Minutes
January 23, 2023 North Platte, Nebraska Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. Present were Commissioners Joe Hewgley, Micaela Wuehler, Chris Bruns, Jerry Woodruff and County Clerk, Rebecca Rossell. Hewgley offered prayer. Woodruff called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. Commissioner Weems was absent. Chairman Woodruff [...]
The meeting was cancelled. There are no minutes for this meeting. Rebecca J. Rossell Lincoln County Clerk
January 17, 2023 North Platte, Nebraska Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. Present were Commissioners Joe Hewgley, Kent Weems, Micaela Wuehler, Chris Bruns, Jerry Woodruff and County Clerk, Rebecca Rossell. Woodruff offered prayer. Bruns called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. Chairman Bruns announced the [...]
December 12, 2022 North Platte, Nebraska Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. Present were Commissioners Joe Hewgley, Kent Weems, Micaela Wuehler, Chris Bruns, Jerry Woodruff, Deputy County Clerk, Terry Heessel. Micaela Wuehler offered prayer. Bruns called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. Chairman Bruns announced [...]
January 9, 2023 North Platte, Nebraska Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. Present were Commissioners Joe Hewgley, Micaela Wuehler, Chris Bruns, Jerry Woodruff, Kent Weems, Deputy County Clerk, Melissa Wilson. Kent Weems offered prayer. Bruns called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. Chairman Bruns announced [...]
December 19, 2022 North Platte, Nebraska Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. Present were Commissioners Joe Hewgley, Micaela Wuehler, Chris Bruns, Jerry Woodruff, Deputy County Clerk, Melissa Wilson. Commissioner Weems was absent. Chris Bruns offered prayer. Bruns called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. Chairman [...]