August 16, 2010

North Platte, Nebraska


Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. Present were Commissioners

Duane Deterding, Joe Hewgley, Willis Roethemeyer, Board Assistant, Tammy White,

Deputy County Attorney, Joe Wright and County Clerk, Rebecca Rossell. Hewgley

offered prayer. Chairman Hewgley called the meeting to order at 9:03 A.M.

Chairman Hewgley announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for

public review and the County Board will comply with the open meeting requirements.

Motion by Deterding, seconded by Roethemeyer to approve the minutes regarding the

Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting held on August 9, 2010. Upon roll call

vote Deterding, Roethemeyer and Hewgley voted “aye”. Nays, none.

Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Deterding to receive and order filed the

treasurer’s receipts. Upon roll call vote Deterding, Roethemeyer and Hewgley voted

“aye”. Nays, none.

Motion by Deterding, seconded by Roethemeyer to receive and order filed the fee report

submitted by the Register of Deeds. Upon roll call vote Deterding, Roethemeyer and

Hewgley voted “aye”. Nays, none.

The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners recessed at 9:15 A.M. and the Lincoln

County Board of Equalization convened.

Chairman Hewgley announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for

public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.

County Treasurer, Sue Fleck, County Assessor, Mary Ann Long, Deputy County

Assessor, Julie Stenger and County Assessor’s office appraisers, Charity Farley, Henry

Vogt and Angie Bargmann were present.

Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Deterding to approve the minutes regarding the

Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting held on August 9, 2010. Upon roll call

vote Deterding, Roethemeyer and Hewgley voted “aye”. Nays, none.

No certificates of correction or refund were presented by the County Assessor.

Brian Vineyard discussed his protest of denial of special valuation on accretion acres.

He provided letters and documents to support his claim that for the last 9 years it was

used primarily for agricultural purposes. He commented that he had leased it twice for a

very short period of time for hunting.

Commissioner Deterding asked if any of the appraisers had been out personally to this


Charity Farley replied that she had went out personally to inspect this property. She

indicated that she had seen Lashley lease signs but did not have the additional

information that the owner had presented.

Motion by Deterding, seconded by Roethemeyer to approve the special valuation

application submitted by Brian Vineyard on the information presented. Upon roll call

vote Deterding, Roethemeyer and Hewgley voted “aye”. Nays, none.

Shirley Hubbard addressed two special valuation applications on accretion acres that

had been denied by the County Assessor’s office. The land has always been used for

agricultural purposes and has never been leased for hunting.

Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Deterding to approve the special valuation

applications submitted by Shirley Hubbard as presented. Upon roll call vote Deterding,

Roethemeyer and Hewgley voted “aye”. Nays, none.

Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Deterding to approve the homestead exemption

application submitted by Fay and Linda Herndon which had been denied due to a

clerical error. Upon roll call vote Deterding, Roethemeyer and Hewgley voted “aye”.

Nays, none.

Motion by Deterding, seconded by Roethemeyer to approve the homestead exemption

application submitted by Joseph & Laurie Trujillo Jr. which had been denied due to a

clerical error. Upon roll call vote Deterding, Roethemeyer and Hewgley voted “aye”.

Nays, none.

Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Deterding to approve the motor vehicle tax

exemption application submitted by North Platte Opportunity Center as approved by the

County Treasurer. Upon roll call vote Deterding, Roethemeyer and Hewgley voted

“aye”. Nays, none.

Motion by Deterding, seconded by Roethemeyer to approve the motor vehicle tax

exemption application submitted by Revival Revolution as approved by the County

Treasurer. Upon roll call vote Deterding, Roethemeyer and Hewgley voted “aye”.

Nays, none.

The Lincoln County Board of Equalization adjourned at 9:50 A.M. and the Lincoln

County Board of Commissioners reconvened.

Jerry Hitchcock, Lincoln County Highway Supt., recommended the following for speed

limits on North Lake Road following a speed study: maximum speed limit by posted 35

mph from the intersection of South Hwy 83 and North Lake Road going west to a point

175’ west of section line 800 west (westerly boundary of Lake Maloney State Recreation

Area), then increasing to 45 mph continuing west.

Motion by Deterding, seconded by Roethemeyer to approve and adopt Resolution No.

2010-20 establishing maximum speed limits on North Lake Road. Upon roll call vote

Deterding, Roethemeyer and Hewgley voted “aye”. Nays, none.

The public hearing concerning Wind Energy Installation on Lincoln County’s Zoning

Regulation was postponed until September 13, 2010 at 9:30 A.M. due to agenda error.

Motion by Roethemeyer, seconded by Deterding to set September 13, 2010 at 10:00

A.M. for public hearing to receive comments on the proposed 2010/2011 fiscal year

Lincoln County, NE budget. Upon roll call vote Deterding, Roethemeyer and Hewgley

voted “aye”. Nays, none.

Motion by Deterding, seconded by Roethemeyer to approve exceeding the budget limit

by an additional 1% for the 2010/2011 fiscal year Lincoln County, NE budget. Upon roll

call vote Deterding, Roethemeyer and Hewgley voted “aye”. Nays, none. Motion

carried by a super majority vote.

Conducted a budget work session.

The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners recessed at 12:23 P.M. and reconvened at

1:07 P.M.

Continued the budget work session.

Approved the following claims presented for payment:

The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 P.M.

Advance notice and the agenda for the August 16, 2010 board meetings were sent to

members of the county board, county attorney and all others requesting the same.

Notice was posted at the Lincoln County Courthouse, City Hall and on the county


The agenda for the meetings to be held on August 23, 2010 will be kept continually

current and open for inspection at the office of the Lincoln County Clerk. The regular

meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will be held at the Lincoln

County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:00 A.M. The regular meeting of

the Lincoln County Board of Equalization will be held at the Lincoln County Courthouse

in the Commissioners Room at 9:15 A.M.


Rebecca J. Rossell

      Lincoln County Clerk