February 1, 2021

North Platte, Nebraska


Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners. Present were Commissioners Joe Hewgley, Bill Henry, Kent Weems, Chris Bruns, Jerry Woodruff and County Clerk, Rebecca Rossell.  Hewgley offered prayer. Weems called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.


Chairman Weems announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.


Motion by Bruns, seconded by Henry to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting held on January 25, 2021.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


Motion by Henry, seconded by Woodruff to receive and order filed the treasurer’s receipts.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Bruns to authorize the Chairman to sign a contract with Weathercraft for the Lincoln County Courthouse Annex Roofing Project.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.


The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners recessed at 9:15 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Equalization convened.


Chairman Weems announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review and the county board will comply with the open meeting requirements.


County Assessor, Julie Stenger appeared.


Motion by Henry, seconded by Hewgley to approve the minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting held on January 25, 2021. Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


No certificates of correction or refund submitted by the County Assessor.


The Lincoln County Board of Equalization adjourned at 9:17 A.M. and the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners reconvened.


Presentation by Lee Davies, Architect, on plans for the 2nd & 3rd floor courthouse restroom remodel project.  He presented several design options for each floor.


Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Bruns to proceed with Option #2 on the 2nd floor and Option #3 on the 3rd floor courthouse restroom remodel project.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Bruns to set February 22, 2021 at 10:00 A.M. for the One & Six Year Road Plan presentation.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


Chairman Weems reported a local person had reached out to a board member with projections that were less than a 1% interest rate concerning the possible 2016 bond redemption.


Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Henry to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Underwriting Engagement and Disclosure Letter with D.A. Davidson & Co. for General Obligation Refunding Bonds Series 2021.


Commissioner Woodruff questioned if there would be any advantage to the county to do business with a local vendor.


Paul Greiger of D.A. Davidson, replied that when they market the bonds they expect to work with our local banks.  Local banks get priority, but D.A. Davidson does work with all banks in the State of Nebraska.


Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Henry to adopt Resolution No. 2021-04 authorizing the early redemption of the County’s General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”. Nays, none.


Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Henry to adopt Resolution No. 2021-05 authorizing the issuance by the County of its General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2021, in the principal amount not to exceed $3,600,000, for the purpose of refinancing the County’s General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016, in order to achieve interest cost savings, and related matters.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Bruns to go into closed session at 10:11 A.M. regarding deployment of security personnel or devices, and to protect attorney client privilege, which is clearly necessary to protect the public interest.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


Chairman Weems restated the motion for the closed session.


Motion by Henry, seconded by Woodruff to go into open session at 11:09 A.M.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


Motion by Hewgley, seconded by Henry to adopt Resolution No. 2021-06 rescinding the Lincoln County Security Committee.  Upon roll call vote Hewgley, Weems, Henry, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Nays, none.


County Board discussed salaries for appointed department heads.


Commissioner Woodruff stated they have earned and deserve as much compensation as appropriate but feels the board needs to be cognizant of the economic situation we are in right now.

Commissioner Hewgley commented on all four appointed positions. He had looked at the data collected in the counties in our array and it appears that we are mid-point in most of these cases.


Commissioner Henry felt all of the people in the appointed positions did a good job and certainly deserve the COLA adjustment but he was not sure about merit increases.


Commissioner Bruns told board members that a COLA adjustment is necessary.  The issue he had with merit increases is what those would be based on.  He agreed with COLA adjustments and possible merit in future years.


Commissioner Woodruff concurred with the COLA adjustment as he is conscious of the current economic situation.


Commissioner Bruns stated that after looking at the other counties in our array, and there health insurance benefits for all employees, he would like to give this topic future consideration.


Motion by Henry, seconded by Bruns to approve a 1.5% COLA for all four department heads for 2021 effective January 16, 2021:


Noxious Weed Supt.           $20.71 per hour

Veterans Service Officer    $26.03 per hour

County Highway Supt.        $59,958.08/ $4996.51 per pay period

Region 51 Emergency Management Director   $55,520/ $4626.68 per pay period


Upon roll call vote Weems, Henry, Bruns and Woodruff voted “aye”.  Hewgley voted “nay”.  Motion carried.


Hear concerns from Elected Officials, Department Heads and their representative.


Approved the following claims as presented for payment:

General Fund:

Ace Hrdwr                                         su                    5.38

Adms & Swnsn                                se                    1052.29

Amzn Cpitl Srv                                  su                    59.94

Bg Rd Twng & Rcvry                       se                    161.00

Blck Hlls Stg Ln                                se                    659.50

BLR                                                    se                    499.00

Brlltt Dgan Trshynsk                        se                    11245.65

Cptl Bsnss Systms                           rt                      498.00

Chrtr Bsnss                                       su                    124.97

Clk dst crt Assc                                se                    50.00

Clk Dst Crt                                         se                    423.00

Cmmrcl Invstmnt Srv                       rt                      375.00

Cnsoldtd Mngment Cmpny            se                    59.23

Cntrl Fnce                                         rt                      3727.08

Dpt Jstc Adm Cllg Arts                    se                    1295.00

Dve Rsc Intrntnal                             su                    221.63

Dr Scrb & Mr                                     ex                    111.98

Dugn                                                  su                    1380.90

Eakes                                                 su                    1437.76

Excl Scrn Prnt                                   ex                    194.60

Frfld inn& sts                                     ldg                   288.00

Fstnl                                                   su                    129.99

Frst Ntnl Bnk                                     se                    1186.90

Frst Cncrd Bnfts                               ins                   150.00

G4S Scye Sltns                                cont                1437.12

Hntns Lck & alrm                              se                    187.14

Intrntnl Fltr Manfctrng                      su                    805.87

Lncln cnty Jal Ptty csh                    se                    13.95

Lndmr Lw Off                                    cont                9429.33

Lwmn’s At Rpr                                  se                    672.91

Mrla Hns                                            ex                    151.88

Myr Crtv Prnt                                    se                    228.17

MI6 Pzz                                              su                    51.50

Mncpl Lght & Wtr                              se                    5997.22

NACO                                                su                    178.00

NE Lw Enfrcmnt Trng                      se                    492.00

NE Sfty & Fr Eqp                              cont                651.00

NE Scrtry St                                      su                    30.00

Np Tlgrph                                          se                    436.80

Nrthwstrn Engy                                se                    227.20

O’kf Elvtr Co                                      ex                    277.66

Pnn Emblm Co                                 ex                    15.60

Pplr str cr wsh                                  su                    64.25

RR Dnnlly                                         su                    59.55

St Louis Unv                                     se                    175.00

Svrs Auto Cr                                     su                    109.74

Linc Cnty Shrff PC                           su                    120.74

Stpls                                                   su                    60.76

Stv Maly                                             se                    750.00

Smmt Fd Svc                                    se                    4048.74

Tl Stssr                                               mi                    27.44

The Chng Cmpy                               se                    52.50

Thms Rutrs –Wst                             se                    377.00

Tryr Entrprs                                       eq                    403.10

US Bnk                                              su                    357.67

Unv NE Mdcal Cnter                       se                    1250.00

US cllr                                                se                    878.23

Vrzn Wrlss                                         se                    425.21

Wtrsprts Unlmtd                               eq                    1429.18


Road Fund:

Bmgrs                                                 se                    230.41

Dwsn Pblc Pwr Dst                          se                    113.02

Gynn Mchn & Stl                              se                    264.83

Hntn Lck & Alrm                               se                    425.00

Klly Spply Cmpny                            se                    29.26

MCCk Pblc Pwr Dst                         se                    225.20

Mntzr Oil                                            se                    3829.10

Mdlnd Occptnl Mdcn                       su                    265.00

Mncpl lght & wtr                                se                    589.02

NACO                                                se                    13.00

Nrthwsrn Enrgy                                se                    284.53


Lodging Fund:

Cllgan                                                su                    86.16

Lmr Cmpny                                       se                    833.33

Mncpl Lght Wtr                                 su                    296.67

Nnntn                                                 se                    146.63

NE Tvl Asso                                      se                    60.00

NP Tlgrph                                          su                    18.92

Prst X                                                 se                    40.00

Rlbl Rffng                                          su                    125.00

Stv Mly                                               se                    2643.33



Eakes                                                 se                    326.11


Slf Fnd Ins:

Frst Cncrd Bnfts                               ins                   1066.00


Co Drg Lw Enfrcmnt:

Sthrn Plce Inst                                  se                    1295.00

Jvnl Fclty:

Brlltt dgn Trshysk                             se                    1784.65


The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 A.M.


Advance notice and the agenda for the February 1, 2021 board meetings were sent to the county board and all others requesting the same.  Advance public notice (includes agenda) of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners meeting and the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting was posted at the Lincoln County Courthouse, City Hall and the Lincoln County website on January 29, 2021; and was also emailed to the media on January 29, 2021.


The agenda for the meetings to be held on Monday, February 8, 2021 will be kept

continually current and open for inspection at the office of the Lincoln County Clerk.  The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:00 A.M.  The regular meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Equalization will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:15 A.M.





Rebecca J. Rossell

Lincoln County Clerk