JANUARY 5, 2011


Because the interests of The county of Lincoln, Nebraska, demands it, I, Rebecca J. Rossell, the

Lincoln County Clerk, hereby call a Special Session for the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners

to conduct a special meeting to discuss progress and various items of work on the Lincoln County

Sheriff’s Office & Detention Center in North Platte, Nebraska, and to furthermore consider action

concerning any items discussed regarding the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office & Detention Center in

North Platte, Nebraska.

The meeting was called to order at 11:02 A.M. by Chairman Hewgley.

Chairman Hewgley announced the Open Meeting Act with amendments is posted for public review

and the County Board will comply with the open meeting requirements.

Present were Commissioners Hewgley, Deterding and Roethemeyer, Board Assistant, Tammy White,

Deputy County Attorney, Joe Wright and County Clerk, Rebecca J. Rossell.

Also present were, Dan Rowe and Carol Rouw of Treanor Architects, Craig Dirrim, legal counsel for

Lincoln County, Kirk Nichols, Owner Representative and appearing for Roche Construction was

Carlin Natnger, Greg Lockwood and Joe Rivielle.

A monthly construction meeting was held to discuss progress and various items of work regarding the


The main topics for the county board were construction progress, estimated completion date, issues

and concerns including the roof. Commissioner Hewgley stated that at this point in time we cannot

get insurance until it is certified as mold free, which means we cannot occupy it which could result in

significant damages.

Twin Rivers Testing reported that had done random sampling of the roof in five locations which

included all three levels.

Craig Dirrim, legal counsel for Lincoln County asked questions of Roche Construction concerning

who had been notified such as the bonding company, insurance carrier or the sub-contractor for the


Commissioner Hewgley also commented that he had concerns about the block walls that are painted

and that he observed voids with no mortar and problems with some of the joints.

Kirk Nichols voiced that they will need to clean up the chases.


Hewgley also expressed his concerns about the grab bars and fire protection issue that had been

discussed at an earlier meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:47 A.M.


Rebecca J. Rossell

Lincoln County Clerk

Publish, Saturday, January 8, 2010.