Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners to be held on March 12, 2012 at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:00 A.M.


Meeting of the Lincoln County Board of Equalization to be held on March 12, 2012 at the Lincoln County Courthouse in the Commissioners Room at 9:15 A.M.


1.         Open with prayer


2.         Approve minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Commissioner meeting

held on March 5, 2012


3.         Consider the following:

v  Claims and Treasurer’s Receipts

v  Approval of Great Western Bank as a county depository for 2012

v  Fee reports submitted by County Court, Clerk of District Court, County Sheriff

and Register of Deeds


Recess as the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners and convene as the Lincoln County Board of Equalization.


4.         9:15 A.M.       Discuss and consider the following:

v  Approve minutes regarding the Lincoln County Board of Equalization meeting

held on March 5, 2012

v  Certificates of correction and refund as submitted by the County Assessor

v  Motor vehicle tax exemption applications


Adjourn or recess to time certain as the Lincoln County Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners.


5.         9:30 A.M.       Discuss and consider an interlocal Veterans Service Agreement

between Thomas County and Lincoln County


6.         10:30 A.M.     Receive bids for motor graders for the Lincoln County Department

of Roads


Consider acceptance of bid(s)


7.         Conduct quarterly inspection of the Lincoln County Detention Center


Rebecca J. Rossell,

     Lincoln County Clerk